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January Member of the Month: Jesse Maury

Tell us a little bit about yourself (family, job, interests/hobbies, etc).

I am a New Yorker by way of North Carolina. My wife Danielle (who you may see during Saturday classes) and I have been living in Houston for just over 8yrs. Many of my hobbies are contained within the city: biking, parks, walks with my Cocker Spaniel and of course restaurants!

When did you start working out District H?

I’ve been part of District H for about 4 mos. I am going to be a resident of The Heights soon and wanted to orient more of my life around the amenities of my future home…oh and some old CrossFit chums Roger, Yvonne, Mimi and Coach Audrey are banging around every so often.

What made you decide to start working out in general?

I’ve always enjoyed being active but never was serious about it until I had to rehab from a jiu jitsu injury. I tore my labrum in my left shoulder and severely sprained my right meniscus. That was the first time I had the notion that my body couldn’t keep up anymore. I never wanted my body to hold me back from enjoying life.

How have your workouts made an impact on your life outside of the gym?

 Mood stability, general health gains and I look and feel better than I did at 30.

What is your favorite & least favorite workout or movement?
Most: thrusters and its sibling wall balls
Least: OHS, snatches or anything that requires external mobility in both shoulder

What is your favorite & least favorite lift? 
FRONT SQUATS! I’d like to hit a 1rm of 355 soon.
My least favorite are the aforementioned snatches.

What is your proudest gym moment/achievement?
1st muscle up during Open 16,3

What is your favorite quote or words to live by?
“You can waste time but don’t waste mine” – G-Worthy lyrics from song Get Mine

Tell us something people would be surprised to know about you.
I love woodworking and construction neither of which are my occupation.

What advice would you give to newbies?
Be humble with your expectations. Modifying is not a dirty word for lifts and weight movements. For cardio, make yourself uncomfortable! Looking at you AirBike!

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