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Thank You District H Family!

What a year 2020 has been!

There are some words that come to mind when looking back at our journey over the last year: resilience, compassion, and togetherness.

All of us experienced some very emotional, stressful, and trying times over the last year. Some of us lost our jobs, loved ones, and maybe part of ourselves through both a global pandemic and the largest economic recession in the last century. As a community, we had to say “goodbye” to some of our friends as lives and circumstances changed. 

Through all of this, I saw a resilience that was inspiring. Even in hardship, this community kept putting one foot in front of the other. There were some days where I didn’t know what to do or how to lead and you still showed up with a smile on your face, displayed simple acts of kindness, or even just lent a shoulder to lean on that kept me going. While Dustin and I are technically the captains of the ship, sometimes you need your crew to pull you forward as well and you did just that when we weren’t sure where to go. 

The amount of compassion that was displayed throughout the year was extraordinary. Regardless of where we all sat personally in terms of this virus, everyone was respectful of each other’s space, opinions, and health. Deciding what is safe for yourself and your family is a very personal decision and this community supported and respected each other’s decision in the face of extreme stress and heightened tension. 

While I have always thought that our community was the best before COVID, I can now say with absolute certainty that there isn’t anything we can’t get through. You learn a lot about a group when faced with uncertainty. This group came together and decided that they wanted this community to survive once this pandemic was long gone. You saved the jobs of our staff and allowed us to continue our mission of impacting lives in our community. It is why I am committed to making this the best experience and service for all of you. It’s because you deserve it.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for making 2020 an incredible year. Our community is stronger than ever before. Mark my words, 2021 is going to be our best yet.

Have a Wonderful New Year!


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