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2020 Goals: Success Starts with Purpose

Coming to the end of the year always presents an opportunity for self-reflection. What were our goals for 2019 and how did we do in achieving those goals? What were our highlights or “wins”? What were some of our shortfalls? How do we refocus and attack those shortfalls in 2020?

While these questions are easy to ask in retrospect, developing a path to success and committing to it is a much harder proposition. There are going to be obstacles that will constantly be thrown at us. Work. Family. On-going injuries. All legitimate reasons to lose consistency in our fitness routine.

At the root of all our decisions is purpose. Our “why.” It is purpose that truly drives us towards achieving whatever goals we set for ourselves. Understanding that “why” and focusing our energy on that purpose will be the catalyst for amazing transformations at District H.

If I were to ask you what your goals for 2020 are, I would expect to hear things like, “lose weight,” “build strength,” “look and feel good,” and of course, “my first pull up.” These are all amazing goals and we can develop a path to success for you.

But I also want to go one layer deeper.

Why are those specific goals important to you? What is it about those goals that serve your true purpose?

“I want to be healthy so that I can show my family what it means to prioritize health.”

“I want to be a role model to my children so they know that true strength starts from within.”

“I am tired of feeling like I don’t have control of my life, who I am, or my daily thoughts.”

These are the “whys” behind our goals and keeping our “why” in the forefront of our daily routine will ultimately motivate us to create, commit to, and conquer our goals both inside and outside the gym.

In the next couple of weeks, District H will be reaching out to you to discuss your goals for the upcoming year. In anticipation of that communication, I want you to start thinking about your “why.” No single goal is more important than your “why.” It is the lifeblood of your achievement.

Some of you may feel uncomfortable discussing your “why” and I completely respect you and your privacy. But always know we are here to help you. I have built a team of professionals that are committed to YOU and serving YOU, so feel free to share as much as you want.

The past is behind us and the future is bright. Let’s make 2020 an amazing year.





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