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New Strength Cycle & Programming Update – Jan. 18th, 2020

First off congrats on all of the hard work and PR’s this past week. Glad to see all of your efforts in the last 4 weeks paying off.

Moving into the next 4 weeks, we will turn our focus to the Back Squat, Strict Press and Power Snatch with a retest week on Feb 15th.

Nothing new with the back squats, as these will forever be a staple in our programming. We will continue to build strong foundational strength, improve your squat mechanics and body awareness.

The barbell Strict Press will primarily focus on building raw overhead strength, stability and improve your bar path with shoulder to overhead movements. We have a history of doing strict single arm movements in the gym which are good for improving asymmetries however with the barbell we can focus on building shoulder size, improved lockout strength, and power.

And lastly, we will have 4 weeks of Power Snatch practice carrying over the practice we had with overhead squats. Fridays will have us working on Power Snatch mechanics and working our way towards a full Snatch (squat snatch), practicing barbell complexes. These sessions will be technique biased so use this time to improve your timing of the lift, comfort “catching” the bar overhead and depth in the overhead squat.

See ya’ll on Monday!

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