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The Difference Between “Cost” and “Value” When It Comes to Your Health

by Coach Tommy

I still have the privilege of getting to do most of the initial consultations with potential members.

I absolutely love it!

While I may be removed from coaching on the floor these days, I still get jazzed up by speaking with people, getting to know them and their goals, and talking through a game plan for setting them up for success at District H.

I recently had a conversation with a brand-new member about the “cost of services.”

We were discussing our On-Ramp Program, which is $250.

With On-Ramp, you received four 1-on-1 personal training sessions and unlimited classes for the remainder of your first month.

Occasionally, the initial response from a potential new member is, “Woah, that is expensive.”

I always like to remind them that there is no such thing as “price” in and of itself.

The concept of “price” always has to be anchored to something of “value.”

A specific “price” may seem like A LOT of the service that it is attached to is something perceived to be of low “value.”

On the other hand, it could be considered a bargain if the “price” is attached to something of high “value.”

So the question I have for YOU is, what “value” do you place on your health?

I am not saying that we need to invest our life’s savings into our health, although we’ve had members who had (learn more about Jim & Amanda Buck’s story here).

But let’s consider other areas of our life that we tend to spend money on.

The average American eats out 4x a week.

With the average cost per meal coming out to $15 per meal, this adds up to about $58 per week or $250 per month…the same price as our On-Ramp Program.

Likewise, the average American spends close to $1,800 per year on Amazon. Some of these items are necessary…but A LOT of them aren’t. (Trust me, I am still guilty of this myself. Jeff Bezos gets me at least twice a week). This comes out to $150 per month.

In other words, the average American attaches more value to eating out (and let’s be honest, we all know the type of food we typically eat) and buying things on Amazon than they do to their health.

All of this to say that the cost of coming to District H comes down to what YOU place value on in your life.

If we value eating out, going to bars, binging NetFlix, or buying unnecessary luxuries on Amazon, then we do our own health, then maybe we need some reevaluation in our own lives.

My goal is to provide as much value as possible to make you the very best that you can possibly be as an individual. For you, it is an investment in your life.

Being a stronger, healthier, more confident, more radiant, and happier individual will be a catalyst or change in all areas of your life.

If you are interested in learning more about how District H can you help you become the very best version of you, book your FREE 1-on-1 consultation today. I would love the opportunity to learn more about you and how we can help.



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