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April 2023 Member of the Month – Maidelys Rey

Tell us a little bit about yourself (family, job, interests/hobbies, etc).

I’m from Cuba, left the island with my family in the mid 90s. I’m a Houston Realtor, when I’m not selling properties or showing houses, I enjoy being in nature and spending time with my son. Traveling, going on hikes, the beach, camping, Nature is revitalizing. 

When did you start working out District H?

I started with District H in January of 2023. 

What made you decide to start working out in general?

My WHY. I do it for the quality of life I want to live. Energy and overall well-being. We have only but one body, it’s our responsibility to care for it. 

How have your workouts made an impact on your life outside of the gym?

I have more energy, sleep better and clear mind. 

What is your favorite & least favorite workout or movement?

My favorite, rowing… I find it meditative, get lost in my thoughts or the music. Least favorite burpees. 

What is your favorite & least favorite lift? 

Favorite lift back squat, least favorite power snatch.

What is your proudest gym moment/achievement?

My proudest gym moment by far 2nd month doing 10 pushups in a row.  

What is your favorite quote or words to live by?

“Life is not just the passing of time, life is a collection of experiences, their intensity and their frequency.” Jim Rohn.  

Tell us something people would be surprised to know about you…

My background is in theater and film, I have a black belt in Taekwondo, and no…the belt wasn’t white, and got dirty over time 😂

What advice would you give to newbies?

Have a clear WHY. Your WHY is what will keep you showing up when you don’t feel like it.  Even if you don’t perform your best, you are building that Habit.  “Action Informs” 

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