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Want Results? Then We Have to Talk About Stress Management!

by Coach Tommy

If there is one thing that I have learned over the past two years since the onset of this pandemic it is stress management, and mental health are topics that have invaded the lives of many Americans.

Speaking from personal experience, trying to operate a business that was technically “closed” for 60 days, the onset of client cancellations, trying to figure out how to pay your staff…it was all exhausting and overwhelming.

It also revealed to me that I had a gaping hole in my own health.

You shouldn’t feel afraid to say, “I am not ok.”

In fact, realizing that you need help is the first step towards putting yourself on a better path.

Stress is one of the most significant reasons why members at District H don’t reach their overall fitness goals. 

It was a hard realization for me as a business owner who prides himself on helping people that I may be harming them by having them come to my gym.

Let me give you an example!

District H has a lot of highly successful professionals that walk through its doors every day. 

This success doesn’t come from pure relaxation. 

These people are true “go-getters” that are trying to balance professional success with family life and their own health.

You can imagine how high the stress load could be for these individuals. 

Coming into District H and doing unsustainable high-intensity workouts for a prolonged period doesn’t help. 

In fact, it harms!

That is when I came to the realization that we needed to address stress management within our community. 

Here are some quick steps to help manage all that life throws at us:

1) Take time in the morning to yourself. I have written before about the power of a morning routine that helps you set the right intention for the day. I start with a morning meditation, where I am essentially practicing mindfulness. It allows me to check in with what is going on between my ears and gaining control of that narrative. I follow it up with a daily gratitude journal to get good energy and practice some deep breathing and basic movements like a sun salutation. All this is doing is getting you off to a good start with focus, energy, and a positive mindset.

2) Planning your day out in advance. I can’t tell you how often my day turns into “reacting” versus being “proactive.” By creating a daily plan for myself, I can be a lot more productive and have more control over the minutes I have in my day.

3) Taking mini-breaks throughout the day to move and breathe. A LOT of research shows that humans can only take 90 min. to 2 hours of focused work at a time. Create those “power windows” for yourself throughout the day and take min-breaks in between to get up, walk around, and breathe. 

4) Practice daily reflection. Take time at the end of each day to reflect. What were your “wins?” What did you struggle at accomplishing? Daily reflection allows you to gain control of your mind and day. You aren’t simply existing. You are moving forward with intention.

5) Take time to wind down at the end of the day. You are not a robot. You can’t just keep going. Eventually, you will burn out. Take some time to wind down at the end of each day. Turn off the phones, computers, and bright lights and take time for rest and relaxation. 

I have found these five steps to be highly effective in reducing my own stress and anxiety. Give them a try, and let me know how it goes. I would love to hear any feedback.

Tomorrow, we will end our weekly topic by discussing movement.

You may be surprised by the advice I give you (Hint: you don’t need District H for this part of your life).

If you are ready to book your FREE 1-on-1 Introclick on the link below to schedule your consultation. I would love to learn more about you and how we can help.



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