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The District H Strength & Fitness Blog

2020 Goals: 5 Tricks to Get You on the Right Track

Goal setting season is officially upon us here at District H Strength & Fitness. A lot of you may not necessarily know where to start,…

Athlete of the Month – Debbie Markey

Hey, my name is Debbie Markey! I have lived in the Heights area for almost 35 years and have raised three wonderful children – ages…

Thanksgiving Thinking

Ahh yes, Thanksgiving is upon us. It’s the time of year that we spend with our families giving thanks, and stuffing our faces. Quite honestly…

2020 Goals: Success Starts with Purpose

Coming to the end of the year always presents an opportunity for self-reflection. What were our goals for 2019 and how did we do in…

Overcoming the Mental Hurdles of Injury

Being injured sucks. That is no question. Sometimes, the toughest part of dealing with an injury has nothing to do with the physical pain. In…

Athlete of the Month: Nick Ferrer

My name’s Nick Ferrer and though I was born in San Antonio, I grew up and have spent most of my adult life here in…

Success in the Gym? Start with Consistency

Most of us remember the first day we walked into District H. We had made a decision to change our lives and were excited to…

CrossFit Open: “My 7th CF Open, What’s the Point?”

For those who don’t know, I started my CrossFit journey in December of 2013. At that point in my life, I was overweight, overworked, and…

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